Monday, September 5, 2011

Another female conundrum.

I always told myself if I found a man who met each aspect of my unattainable checklist, I would appreciate him. It turns out this is so much easier said than done. He has no kids, crazy exes, or annoying habits. He's college educated, makes me happy, and doesn't mind me fitting him into my already overlapping schedule. I didn't meet him in a club, he hasn't smashed any of the homies and (here goes the kicker) he not only doesn't judge me for laying naked in bed for hours while watching Family Guy, he actually enjoys joining me in doing so.
Perfect right? so what's the issue? Why do I feel like I make him pay for everyone of my douchebag ex boyfriends mistakes? Sometimes I find myself subjecting him to my emotional rants even when I can't remember why I'm mad at him in the first place. Can I not be an emotional ticking time bomb when the men before him laid the foundation and built the bomb themselves? Can one ever truly immerse themselves in a relationship without any of their past insecurities creeping back into view? When you think you're getting good at protecting yourself from the bad ones, you forget how to drop your guard long enough to let the good ones get close.