Tuesday, August 31, 2010

falling for love.

There's a reason why we "fall" in love. Noone would choose this grossly dependent, exciting, nauseating, torture of an existance for themselves if they could live contently alone. Your heart unvoluntarily entered onto a rollercoaster, something like a free fall, wondering all the way down if someone will catch you, unsure if your timing was right, or if your will nosedive straight into the dirt. (in my case, again) To its credit though, love is a sneaky beast, allowing the unsuspecting person to see only the attractive tip of the iceberg, the tip warmed by the sun's rays and seemingly small enough to handle on your own. Little do they know, there is a cold, dark, lonely mountain to overcome lurking just below the surface. From seeing only the tip, you would never guess that to conquer the iceberg of love,you've got to plunge into the water, fight past the currents and obstacles in your way, and look defeat in the face only to realize you took on more than you can handle. From seeing only the tip, you wouldn't guess that many have tried to conquer love and failed miserably before you. If you let yourself go to deep in your search of finding true love, one that is more than the attractive front that the object of your affection puts up, chances are you'll never emerge. That's why falling is dangerous. That's why icebergs are meant to be admired but never fully understood.
 I read a facebook group one time entitled "don't fall in love. fall off of a bridge. it will hurt less." But if you ask me, falling in love isn't the painful part, I've found recently that sometimes falling in love can be beautiful... the pain comes in when we consider the douche bags we often dupe ourselves into believing are "Mister Right". THEY are the ones who should be falling off of bridges straight into iceberg ridden water. Instead, fall in love, if you get hurt, pick yourself up and play it off like you never tripped in the first place.

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