Monday, January 3, 2011

Alien Conspiracy Rant

Have you ever had one of those drunken or impaired deeply moving conversations that you were lucky enough to remember the next day? Well, recently a somewhat inebriated conversation was the catalyst to my interest in aliens. I know, I know... Even as I write this I can feel people tuning out, but the more research I have conducted on one event specifically, the more I am starting to open my mind to the possibility that "we aren't alone" out here. After all, the philosophy that we are the only intelligent life form in this vast galaxy is a little arrogant, isn't it?  Anyway, the one specific event I am referring to is the design and construction of the pyramids in Egypt. There are three major points that I found interesting that strongly suggest extraterrestrial intervention.
First, the pyramids are proven to be constructed with two types of stones. Limestone is the first and it is a relatively soft stone to cut through for extracting purposes with a Mohs hardness scale of 4. (The scale ranges from 0-10, 10 being the strongest material to cut through.) The second rock used in the construction was Granite which is slightly stronger with a Mohs hardness rating of 6-8 depending on the density of the stone. According to officials, the tools used for extraction of the pyramid stones were made out of copper which has a Mohs hardness rating of 3. (Please note, copper's hardness rating of 3 is less than, and therefore softer than the hardness rating of both limestone and granite) Hmmm, they were carving these massive structures with tools made from a material weaker than themselves? Have you ever tried to cut a diamond with a butter knife? Other than feeling extremely moronic, you probably realized it ain't happenin' captain.
Also, how did they move these unfeasibly large rocks from the various stone quarries that the stones were extracted from, through hundreds of miles of Egyptian terrain to the building site of the Great Pyramid? Well...Experts insist that a log rolling technique was used where the rocks were placed on top of various smoothed out trees and rolled to the construction site. Yeah, that makes sense, especially considering these stones ranged from 1 to 20 tons in weight and well over 100,000 stones were used in the construction of the pyramid. In an attempt to entertain this theory.. Er... explanation, let's think logically, if you are rolling a 1 - 20 ton rock over trees, wouldn't the trees endure some wear and tear, making them unusable for future rolling? With over 100,000 stones to roll, and being unable to reuse the rolling trees for more than one stone, that would mean you would need at least a half a million trees, which, given the terrain and lack of tree cutting machinery, is about as probable as little green men beaming these huge structures down from the sky. Also, the primary tree grown in Egypt is date trees. What civilization would cut down an entire species of trees that they relied on for food, in an attempt to build a tomb? Hmm.
Let's just say you are delusional enough to think that ancient Egyptians cut down these rocks with primitive, unfit materials and exterminated a large supply of their food rearing trees for transportation...  (Achem, achem)
One last thing I want to highlight is the impeccable records that Ancient Egyptians kept. Their ancient hieroglyphics carved in stone recount activities such as Pharaoh procession, the building of structures, their primitive forms of hunting and obtaining food, important births, etc... Yet somehow a structure that ("experts" claim) took over 40 years and 10,000 laborers to erect, didn't make the cut? There is no evidence in hieroglyphics or otherwise that Egyptians recorded their building of the Great Pyramid. One thing that was recorded though, was the "sky gods" who visited the Egyptians and imparted on them wisdom and new technological insight. In the ancient depictions, (one of which I will include in the blog) the Egyptians are sitting below a large, spherical object in the sky that features "rays" shooting down to the ground.
There are many more pieces of evidence that refute the idea that the pyramids were made at the hands of man alone. One may question how the pyramids are designed exactly in line with certain constellations, when knowledge of these things was primitive at best or how the ramps were created to transport the stones higher up on the pyramid, yet none of the "ramp stone debris" were uncovered... If I wasn't already drained from my conspiracy rant, I would go into further detail, but instead I am going to encourage you to do your own research and formulate your own ideas. Whether you choose to believe the politically correct, generally accepted version of "the truth" or go against the grain, do so because you genuinely strive for enlightenment. Being informed and having the ability to formulate your own opinions and accepting your own truths is a luxury often taken for granted and wasted on idle minds.
(Some websites I found interesting but AM NOT in any way affiliated with include)

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