Sunday, June 5, 2011


“A wise girl kisses but doesn’t love, listens but doesn’t believe, and leaves before she is left.”
- Marilyn Monroe
What happens when girls force themselves to be "wise" for so long that they forget how to feel love when kissing a man? or believing a word that comes out of his mouth? and what happens when she leaves so damn often that when she finally finds the one worth staying for, she has no idea how to keep herself from running away?
As far as girls go, I may be the "wise"-est. But "wise" doesn't greet me at the door or promise me a future better than my past. Maybe superficial relations with men prove to be fun, but they don't fullfill. I deserve love, honesty, and continuous happiness. It may be the opposite of Monroe's definition, but I feel all the wiser for realizing it.

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