Sunday, June 26, 2011

You say "Hippie" like it's a bad thing.

Do I like sitting in the grass and enjoying good music? Yes.
Do I enjoy partaking in hallucinogenic greenery? Of course.
Do I often disagree with mainstream politics and judgmental fag-tards? Indubitably.
Do any of these things "make" one a "Hippie"? In a word, no.

What "I am" is too complex to be defined by a played out, overused adjective that's lost its original meaning over the generations. Thinking independently from mainstream media, recognizing that underground musicians are often more talented and less "I sold my soul to make a dollar", these things are gifts. Most people can't see past the whole "I have to dress in what obscure, self proclaimed fashionistas tell me to" but when you find the beauty in things that you find enjoyable and embrace freedom of thought, action, belief and expression, you don't feel the need to define yourself in a word. So in a word, no. I am not a hippie. I am a human. thanks.

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